Using a Student Computer On Campus


Tips for using your computer at the University of Lynchburg


Connecting to WiFi

University of Lynchburg devices are able to connect to the network named "UL-WiFi."

For information on connecting your Windows computer, review Connecting Your Windows Computer to UL-WiFi.

For information on connecting your Mac computer, review Connecting your Mac Computer to UL-WiFi.

Accessing University Gmail

  1. Navigate to the website
  2. Log in with your University of Lynchburg email address and password.

Accessing Moodle

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your University of Lynchburg username and password. 
    • For this log in, you can remove the portion of your email address.

Using Office365

To sign up for your Microsoft Office 365 account, go to

LinkedIn Learning How-To

The University of Lynchburg has partnered with LinkedIn Learning to provide an array of video courses to students, faculty, and staff. 

  1. Start by claiming your LinkedIn Learning account by clicking on the link below.
  2. Once you are signed in, take a look at either of the following courses.



Article ID: 153
Sun 8/1/21 6:38 PM
Mon 6/13/22 10:32 AM